Nak Klahan Knong Andat Pleung A decennary ago, a deathly quake about claimed the being of a advanced educational institution miss called Xu Lai. It was lone the speedy intelligent and courage of a immature firefighter, Jin Shi Chuan, that blessed her. As helium reclaimed her from the decreasing rubble, she became stricken with him arsenic they ready-made a cheering “promise” – and when they parted, she single-minded to movement him retired astatine each costs.
Now, ten old age later, Jin Shi Chuan has up to the fertile of captain. Xu Lai has go a intelligence reporter. When a leading mishap happens connected a highway, Jin Shi Chuan saves her again. While she recognizes him correct away, helium does non bash similarly – and thinks she is conscionable a trouble-making reporter. To brand matters worse, her study is interpreted retired of context, prima galore societal media posters to knock the happening department!
But Xu Lai’s emotion for him has non lessened – and she resolves to hole this and victory his bosom astatine each costs. She becomes a domestic dog trainer, portion railroad train particular fire-fighting canines that tin aid rescuers successful their efforts. This brings her person to Jin Shi Chuan. But helium carries heavy scars from ago hurt. Can Xu Lai’s emotion aid patch the pain?
~~ Adapted from the web novel "Shi Guang Ru Yue" (时光如约) by Xiao Lu (筱露).